Joseph Minetto | Your Complete Guide to Choosing a Projector in 2020, 2021

Your Complete Guide to Choosing a Projector in 2020, 2021

Whether you’re screening the world cup or your next business presentation, choosing a projector can be daunting with so many models out there. Before you choose the right one for your event, check out our comprehensive guide to projectors for all occasions.

​Three Common Types Of Projector

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Transmissive projectors, otherwise known as LCDs (Liquid Crystal Display), work by splitting light into three wavelengths and passing them through an LCD panel into a prism where the wavelengths are recombined and projected. LCDs generally produce a bright image, with good color saturation and low noise levels. They do, however, require a certain degree of maintenance as their filters need cleaning regularly

DLP (Digital Light Processing)

Reflective projectors or DLPs (Digital Light Processing), use tiny mirrors to project the light into an image and do not require any filters. They can still produce a sharp image with strong brightness so can be used in larger venues and brighter rooms. The only drawback here is the lifespan of the lamp which is limited to about 1,500–2000 hours though newer models can last up to 5,000 hours

LED (Light Emitting Diode)

LED projectors are in a slightly different category because it refers to the bulb type rather than display technology. Consequently, though LED projectors are technically a category of their own, some DLP projectors can also use LED bulbs. Efficiency is the main advantage of the LED projectors; their bulbs can last for up to 20,000 hours (more or less the lifespan of the projector itself) and they do not require filters. The LED projector is also smaller, quieter, and more energy-efficient, yet they lack the brightness intensity of LCDs or DLPs.


​Best Categories By Event

Mini Projector

Mini projectors are ideal if you are looking for something more movable than the monster projector your teacher used at school. Mini projectors can weigh as little as 0.14kg and can fit into your bag or even pocket, making them perfect for travel or presentation on the go.

Short Throw Projector

Short throw projectors are projectors that can sit close to the surface they are protecting against and shoot upwards. This is ideal for use in limited space, crowded rooms, or tricky installations. Since the projector sits close against the screen/ wall there is no danger of people walking through the beam and it takes the work out of finding a surface the right exact right height and distance away from the wall.

Large Venue Projector (HD Projector)

Large venue projectors are often but not exclusively installation projectors — projectors used primarily for venues and installed permanently to the wall or ceiling. This is primarily because large venues are often set up require a certain set of qualities — a large display image and very high lumens to create an HD image on a large scale. This can be achieved by installing large projectors or by stacking cheaper ones and overlapping their displays.

Home Cinema Projector

If you are planning on getting a projector for use at home, there are a couple of things to consider. Firstly, what sort of space are you working with? What are you planning on using it for? What are you planning to connect it to?

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Joseph Minetto | How to achieve a chiseled six-pack?

Everyone wants a chiseled core. The kind that stands out when they take off their shirt while retaining stability and strength at all times. And if you are unable to build your abs, don’t assume it’s because you are not using a supplement or partaking in some magical exercise. Building a chiseled core takes a long process and it requires commitment, persistence, time, and most importantly hard work. “Taking the right step every day helps you carve out your desired six-pack but you might never achieve your goal if you deviate from your plan a few times a week”, says Joseph Minetto.

Exercising regularly with the right approach and eating the right diet is a powerful tool that helps achieve your abs. It is important to also build your muscle and strength as it increases your core strength. Trimming your fat by participating in a strength training exercise, pushing your heart rate high, and many more will also help your overall health while carving your abs.

The combination of many exercises helps to achieve and maintain a six-pack and they don’t have to be repetitive. Each exercise has a role to play when building your abs. It is also important to rest in between each routine and eats healthy. Read on as Joseph Minetto, an expert in technology and fitness freak who has also dedicated himself to live an active lifestyle takes us through how to achieve a chiseled six-pack.

Start with  plank

Start with a push-up by rounding your upper away from the ground, raise your hips slightly, and lift your feet towards the direction of your hands. This will improve your core bracing and help you achieve your transverse abdominis. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and repeat it for four-set.

Workout your lower abs

This can be achieved by raising your leg while your upper body is stable this exercise helps to reduce your rectus abdominis from the lower end. You can try different exercises such as mountain climbers, captain’s chair leg raises, and many many to achieve your lower abs.

Try weighted crutches

Weighted crutches help to create tight abs and produce stronger cores. Start by lying down, then hold a weight plate across your chest with both hands. If it is too difficult for you as a beginner, you can start without using the weight plate. Breath in and brace your abs while raising and lowering your torso. It is important to maintain tension in your upper abs and do not allow your upper body to have contact with the ground throughout the exercise.

Be hydrated

Staying without drinking water for many hours can lead to dehydration which is not good for the body. “Start your day with at least six glasses of water as it helps boost your metabolism and accelerate your muscle cell growth,” says Joseph Minetto The goal is to stay hydrated all day therefore, drink a few glasses of water throughout the day. And while exercising make sure you are hydrated.

 Focus on your upper abs

Your upper abs can be perfectly carved by stabilizing your lower torso while drawing your upper body towards the lower torso. Also, try to reduce the distance between your pelvis and ribcage while exercising. Exercises such as machine crunches, Seated Russian twist, decline-bench crunches, hanging leg raise, bicycle crunches, Rope cable crunches, and many more are very effective.

Master modified vsit exercise

modified v-sit exercise helps to build your core strength and form your abs. This is done by laying on the ground or a gym mat with your legs and arms slightly raised from the floor. Also, your arms and back must maintain a controlled motion during the exercise. And if you find it challenging, slightly bend your knees a little bit instead of keeping them.

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Joseph Minetto | Importance of Exercise for Mental Health

Want to improve your mental health? Exercise. The most powerful, most accessible, and most affordable solutions to anxiety, depression, and all things negative mood. While many of us are aware of the importance of exercise for physical health-staying fit, reduce risk of diseases, weight control to mention a few. Do you know some amount of adrenaline pumps every day can be the answer to your mental and psychological well-being? The point is taking care of yourself can improve your mental health and one of the keys is exercise.

Also, exercise has been found to help boost self-esteem and cognitive function. A good way to alleviate symptoms of self-esteem and social withdrawal. Here, Joseph Minetto, a technology guru and fitness freak with great dedication to an active lifestyle explores more on the importance of exercise for mental health. It’s time to get your running shoes ready and get going for that morning jogging or the gym.

Mood booster

“If you are feeling low and demotivated, try going for a run,” Joseph Minetto says. “I have found that outdoor exercise like running can help free the mind and within a few minutes of exercise, you will feel lifted, active, and calmer. There is a strong link between exercise and the mood, and you feel the effect of mood enhancement when you are involved in physical activity,’ he adds.

An all-natural treatment to fight depression

This benefit is not only to boost your mood for a while. Research has also found that exercise can be a great anti-depressant. “This is something that has been ignored over the years in the psychological world but now gaining attention after much research has demonstrated the value of exercise in reducing symptoms of depression,” Joseph says. Evidence has shown that people that are active and alert are happier than the inactive ones. The fact is when we exercise, the “feel good” endorphins and natural-cannabis like brain chemicals, endogenous cannabinoids are released which helps to produce the feelings of happiness, improve the mood and boost your overall well-being. Moreover, exercise helps you to improve your social life especially when you exercise with a group or engage in team sports. You will get to connect with others, make new friends which helps to reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Tame the Flight, fight, and fright

When life sometimes takes its toll or you feel threatened by occurrences that tend to upset your life, your body tends to respond by creating a stress response which is also referred to as the “fight or flight” response. Then, you will be faced with uncomfortable situations when stressed such as fear, extreme anxiety, sleeping problems, lack of appetite, and many more. Joseph reasoned that regular exercise can help people that are stressed and prone to anxiety relieve stress and improve upsetting occasions. This is because exercise also imitates the effects of stress like the fight and flight response and produces the same physical reactions such as increase heart rate, or perspiration. Exercise can also counteract the anxiety, fear, and stress-induced hormones- cortisol and adrenaline which arise when in the bloodstream for prolonging times by using up the excess.

Increase confidence and self-esteem

Nothing beats well-toned muscles, weight loss, a shapely body, and improved physical appearance when it comes to exercise. All these feelings of satisfaction, accomplishment, and contentment about your body all contribute to boost confidence and increase self-esteem.

Rest well

Have you been deprived of your goodnight’s sleep due to stress and other mental issues? Exercise! Not only does exercise reduces stress as it tires you out, but it also raises the body temperature slightly which triggers tiredness and sleepiness. If you are having difficulty having a decent sleep, exercise, and watch yourself sleep like a baby.

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Joseph Minetto’s Guide to Spark a Child’s Interest In Physical Activities

Learn all the steps to build up your children’s interest in physical activities, explained simply but well by Joseph Minetto, a fitness freak who is dedicated to sports, health, and exercise or athletic activities

Monkey See, Monkey Do; Teach by example

Of course, kids learn what they see. Order McDonald’s or your favorite unhealthy Chinese takeaway every single day and watch them, growing up ready to do the same thing or perhaps even refuse the veggies on the plate. Not only does that go for simple things like eating habits or habits in general, major components like mannerism or attitude are also shaped by how people around them act. Thus, setting the right example for your kids is key. Ask your children to ‘tag along’ or checkout ‘the cool playground ‘ you go to, a.k.a the gym. With time, they will copy you, start showing interest, and sooner or later ask to join. Haha, and that’s when you should know, the spark has been ignited

Don’t stop the fun; make it more fun

Okay, the spark has been ignited but how do you kindle the fire? Once children build up interest, they might give up as quickly so make sure you don’t make exercise time boring. When kids exercise, don’t make them feel like they’re at military school. Working out shouldn’t be all strict and uninteresting. Let there be a pop of life and color in the exercise you would be planning for your children. It shouldn’t be hectic as well. Take out all the boring exercises and tools from the fitness routine and include those with a fun angle. You can consider aerobics and cardio since they are fast-paced and children like them.

Make it age–appropriate

Watch your little girl and young boy pick up a dumble and be strong like ‘mommy and daddy’. Not every kind of exercise is fit for every child. Children of different ages, physiques, and stamina have specific exercises that they can handle. Some can go longer than others, and some need more help than others. Yoga might not be quite right for tender children because it gets them bored quickly, and they are likely to fall asleep. But guess what, your child could be that special one who might love it. The trick is to know your child and what fitness program works for him or her. Planks for 60 seconds will also tire most of them in microseconds, Joseph Minetto says.

All you have to do is study your child more and know what is best for them.

Don’t even think of or try to act like the one–in–charge; Forcing ruins it

Forcing things on your kids can place them off at the word go, and that we don’t need that right away. If you create workouts obligatory and strict for your kids, they could not be inspired to follow it within the long haul. you’ll cajole them into understanding by egg-laying the wonderful edges of fitness to them. For example, telling your son and daughter how powerfully strong and fast-paced he will become once they’re set up to exercise well will ignite a spark in him which will not quench anytime before long. (that is if you find the right place for them and support them with all the love and encouragement you have).On the opposite hand, you’ll involve a healthy competition to encourage them. Challenge your kids to race over a specific stretch or perhaps to a pole along with you to make them go on sprinting and complete their runs as quickly as possible.

Make it fun: Scavenger Hunts, Hide & Seek

Mind games also are the most effective sort of keeping your youngsters match. Attempt and try a hand at games like puzzles and scavenger hunts. Hide stuff like bottles, phones, cans, or toffees and raise your kid or youngsters to seek out them for a gift. This can build them rollick and do plenty of thinking. In the end, you wouldn’t have solely helped their pretty little brains, however, you’d have conjointly helped them stretch their legs and do some vessel exercises. These games may be done inside or outdoors.

Whatever life throws at you, remember you’re more important than anything else. Joseph Minetto wishes you the greatest health and a bright future

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Joseph Minetto | 4-Week Weight Training Plan for Women

Joseph Minetto | 4-Week Weight Training Plan for Women

If you’re looking to lose weight or just maintain your physique, try cutting back on cardio for a few weeks to focus on these strength training exercises for women that increase metabolism and build lean muscle

Are you cardioing yourself to death? Yes, running, cycling, and hitting the elliptical religiously can absolutely help you drop pounds-especially when you have a lot to lose. But, at some point, you’re going to hit a plateau, says Joseph Minetto

To get past it, you need strength training in your life. Why? Lifting weights helps to amp your metabolism for long after your gym-time ends since the more muscle you have, the more calories you torch when working out and while sitting perfectly still.

If you’re new to weight training, don’t worry. Joseph created this four-week beginner strength training workout for women to help you to build a solid foundation of strength training and shift your body into a new place after all that cardio. The really great news? You only have to do this routine twice a week. Each week, the moves will stay the same, but we’ll make the routine harder by changing the program variables (like rest, sets, reps, or load).

Put at least two days of rest between strength training days, but you can do cardio on those rest days (to be clear: cardio isn’t bad, it’s just not the best method for long-term weight loss or maintenance.)

Now, stay with us: we’re going to break down the weekly gym workouts for you.

Strength Training for Women

4-Week Strength Training for Women Program

Week 1

Complete the exercises in each workout as straight sets. For example, you’ll do one set of leg presses, rest for 30 seconds, do a second set, rest, do the third set. Then, move on to the next exercise. You’ll complete all movements in both workouts this way.

Complete 12 reps of all movements for 3 sets each, and rest for 30 seconds in between each set. Choose a weight load where the last two reps of every set are extra hard, where you wouldn’t be able to do the thirteenth rep. You may find that you increase the weight load for each set while keeping the 12 reps for all three sets.

Week 2

This week, you’ll continue with the straight-set format for both strength training workouts. But now, you’ll complete 15 reps of all movements for 3 sets, and you will only rest for 15 seconds in between each set. Therefore, this week, you’ll complete more work in less time. This is a great stimulus to take your fitness to the next level.

Week 3

We’re going to mix it up this week. Instead of straight sets, you’re going to complete your strength training workout in a circuit style.

This week, you’ll complete 1 set of each exercise for 15 reps, then you’ll immediately move on to the next movement with no rest in between. For example, on the day 1 workout, you’ll perform your first set of leg presses for 15 reps, then you’ll immediately go to the goblet squat and perform 15 reps and then continue on to the next exercise with no rest in between movements. At the end of these four movements, you’ll rest for one minute, then complete the circuit two more times.

Week 4

This week you’re going to continue with the circuit-style sets; this time you’ll perform only 12 reps of each movement, but there are two (tough!) changes: You’ll complete a total of 4 full circuits (that’s four sets of each exercise for both workouts) and there will be no rest in between each circuit. This week is all about keeping you moving. After you finish the last movement of either workout, you’ll immediately return to the first movement and begin a new circuit.

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Joseph Minetto | 4 Best Pilates Home Exercises To Do During Lockdown

4 Best Pilates Home Exercises To Do During Lockdown

It has been about six months since the world came to a standstill due to the pandemic. We quarantined ourselves at home for months on end to protect ourselves, our family, and friends. During this period, Joseph Minetto found various ways to stay healthy. Many of us got highly creative in the kitchen, baking and cooking all kinds of delicacies while a lot of us got around to finally checking off our fitness goals. We know we did. From finding the right home workout routine to mindful eating, we are doing it all.

If you have not tried it already, Pilates is one of the most effective ways to stay fit. Pilates is a technique of exercise that involves flexibility, strength, stability, and endurance movements. Pilates focuses on your core strength and muscle endurance while also enhancing your posture. If you have a strong core, you can become fit from head to toe. Working on your core strength is one of the best ways for your overall body fitness. A strong core includes your abs, your obliques, and your lower back muscles. Strengthening these muscles will help maintain your balance and posture. It also helps you to move around more efficiently. These exercises also work on your core, legs, abdomen, and your back. These exercises focus on your glutes. Your glutes involve your abs, lower back, pelvic floor and hips,and your butt as well. Adding a Pilates exercise routine in your workout plan can help you stay healthy. The best part is that you do not require any equipment to do these exercises, making them the best workout to do at home.

Fun fact, Pilates is named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, who created the exercises in the 1920s!

Before we dive into how you can reach your peak bodygoals, there are a few things you would require to make the best out of your Pilates exercises. You should have a Pilates -friendly exercise mat and a band as well. The Pilates band helps you with various stretch movements, which you will learn all about in this article. Spending 20–30 minutes of your day doing Pilates can help you achieve your goals.

Pilates consists of many exercises that lift, tone, and work on sculpting your body. These muscles support each other, this means that if you work on one part of your body, it will affect the other indirectly. Here are 4 best Pilates exercises you can practice from the comfort of your homes.

Pelvic Curl

A pelvic curl is a very basic exercise. So, if you are a beginner, you do not need to worry about doing it the wrong way. This classic warm-up Pilates exercise stretches your spine and abdominal muscles and engages your glutes and hamstrings at the same time.


  • · Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • · Now, as you exhale, tilt your pelvic muscles by engaging your abdominal muscles and pull your navel down towards your spine.
  • · Next, when you inhale, press down through your heels to bring your tailbone up.
  • · Then slowly raise your hips, then the lower spine, and finally the middle spine.
  • · Make sure you are creating a straight line from your hips to your shoulder.
  • · Hold the position for 5–10 seconds, maintaining your breathing pattern. Inhale one last time before going back.
  • · As you exhale, use your abdomen to bring your back down to the mat.
  • · Repeat this exercise 3 to 5 times.

Side-lying Leg Lift

This exercise encourages a better range of motion in your hips, promotes body stabilization, and uses muscles that aren’t used actively throughout the day.


  • · Lie on the right side, align your shoulders with your hips
  • · Bend your right leg sp that your heel is in line with your butt as it rests on the floor,
  • · Extend your left leg, raise it straight in the air
  • · Make sure it is parallel to the floor
  • · Slowly lift the leg higher
  • · Return into position.
  • · Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.

Leg Kick Back

Leg kickbacks, target your glutes. It also works as a hamstring stretch. To enhance the effectiveness of it, you can use a Pilates band as well.


  • · Get down on all fours with the center of the exercise band around your right instep. Hold it under your hands.
  • · Then, lift your abdominal muscles.
  • · Keep your right knee bent and lift your right hip with your thigh so parallel to the floor.
  • · Slowly kick your heel back until the leg is straight.
  • · Next, Bend your heel back toward your butt. Stay in position. Do not let the knee fall.
  • · Repeat 8 to 10 times, alternating legs.


The clam can help strengthen your glutes. It can also help you achieve a balance between your inner, outer thighs, and your pelvic muscles as well.


  • · Start by lying on one side
  • · Bend your knees at a 90-degree phase
  • · Align your heels with your butt
  • · Prop up your upper arm on the right forearm and,
  • · put your left hand on the hip
  • · Next, squeeze your heels in, lift your left knee towards the ceiling, without moving the rest of your body
  • · Lower the knee back slowly, do not break the connection with the heels
  • · Do this 10 times on each side

Now that you know the basics of Pilates roll out that mat and get going!

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Joseph Minetto | The Secret To Improving Stamina & Endurance

The Secret To Improving Stamina & Endurance

What’s the secret, you ask?

The short answer:

Cardiorespiratory Fitness

But what does cardiorespiratory fitness really mean?

Technically speaking, cardiorespiratory fitness refers to your respiratory and circulatory systems’ ability to supply oxygen to skeletal muscles during an extended period of physical activity. But basically, it denotes your body’s ability to keep performing work or exercise for a longer duration.

It is considered good to improve endurance, stamina, or lung capacity. And, more often than not, most of us know that we can do better when it comes to these elements. But, what we might not know is how to make these improvements happen, or how to ensure that our cardio fitness keeps improving with training.

Cardiorespiratory fitness involves a series of processes that determine how well your body takes and utilizes oxygen. These include:

  • Your heart’s and lungs’ ability to deliver blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the working muscle
  • The ability of lungs to take in oxygen and put it in blood, in turn, pumping the blood to the working muscle
  • The muscles’ efficiency in utilising the oxygen from the blood to form energy currencies that help you keep going

Through the right training protocol and consistent workouts, you can enhance your body’s efficiency to do the above-mentioned tasks. This in turn, results in improved endurance and stamina that makes you fit for your demanding everyday life or any sports activity.

Now that you have a basic idea of what happens inside your body during cardiorespiratory workouts, it’s time to look at the right training protocol for better cardio fitness.

How To Improve Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Cardiorespiratory fitness can be significantly improved by performing almost any type of prolonged physical activity that works your aerobic energy system-gets your heart rate up and keeps it that way for an extended period of time. So, you even choose to do activities that you enjoy, like swimming, walking, or jogging with your friends.

Nevertheless, depending on the type of workouts, intensity, duration, and frequency, your results can vary. Thus, you have to carefully choose an activity that will help you achieve optimal results from your training.

Here are three categories of activities that are broadly classified based on the skills you require to perform them.

  • Easy — walking, jogging, running, riding a stationary bike, elliptical training, and climbing stairs
  • Moderate — cycling, skating, swimming, aerobic dancing, and jump rope
  • Hard (but fun) — sports and games like basketball, football, squash, tennis, and volleyball

How Hard Should You Workout?

cardiorespiratory Workout
cardiorespiratory Workout

Ask people how hard you should work out, and most people will tell you to keep your heart rate between 60%-90% of your maximum heart rate. While this is one good way to measure the intensity of your workout, it can become quite hard for people without fitness trackers or smartphones to figure out their heart rate during a workout session.

The good news is that you don’t need any sort of equipment to measure the intensity at which you work out. All you should do is become a bit more observant about how you feel while you exercise. Here’s how.

When you do high-intensity workouts, your respiratory rate significantly increases-you might have likely experienced shortness of breath after running a sprint, or after a sustained dance session. As this happens, a large volume of air starts moving in and out of your lungs, and as you gradually progress the intensity (imagine switching from walking to jogging on the treadmill) the amount of air moving in and out of your lungs also increases linearly. But you are still able to talk to someone comfortable while you exercise.

Increase the intensity one step further (from jogging to running), and there comes a point when you aren’t able to talk comfortably due to the amount of air disproportionately increasing. This is called the ‘threshold intensity’-the point at which your sentence starts breaking when you try to speak while working out. You have to work at your threshold intensity, for better cardio fitness.

To better understand this, Joseph suggests looking at a three-zone intensity model that can be applied to any type of cardio exercise.

Zone 1: The intensity at which you can talk comfortably

Zone 2: The intensity at which talking comfortably becomes a bit harder

Zone 3: The intensity at which you cannot talk comfortably

Using these zones, you will easily be able to tailor your training to suit your goals, whether it is sports performance or weight loss related.

Now, it’s the time to address the primary question-how hard should you workout?

Realistically, the exercise programming or the intensity at which you should work out depends on your individual goals and training status. Here’s how it works at a basic level.

When you are New to Fitness:

cardiorespiratory Fitness
cardiorespiratory Fitness
  • All your cardio workouts should fall within Zone 1 (where you can comfortably talk)
  • You should ideally workout at such intensity for 10–15 minutes straight for 2–3 days/week
  • Your goal should be to hit 20–25 minutes of uninterrupted cardio activity at this intensity without getting too fatigued

Once you achieve the above, you know that you are ready to move to a higher intensity in training. Typically, an average individual takes anywhere from three to six weeks to undergo this transition.

Though training at this intensity doesn’t result in an increase in the Vo2 max (maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise), you will still be able to tap into the overall health benefits associated with cardiorespiratory training. Also, as you are a beginner, the aim here is to build regularity in fitness. This is where you START!

When you are someone who has been exercising for a while and is looking forward to completing a 10K run:

Fitness Training
Fitness Training
  • Start including Zone 2 intervals in your training session (intensity at which talking comfortably becomes harder)
  • Your workout sessions should be a combination of 20% moderate to high-intensity training and 80% low-intensity training
  • Exercise 3–5 days/ week

In case you are someone who does not have goals of completing a 10k run, you might want to solely look at the fitness part of the zone. Zone 2 is great for fitness enthusiasts who have been working out for a while as it leads to all fitness adaptations, i.e. increased Vo2 max and lactate threshold, and improved health benefits. The aim here is to improve your cardiorespiratory exercise efficiency, aka improved stamina.

When you are someone who aims to increase your speed in a 10K run:

  • Zone 3 is where you train with the aim to hit the personal best in your races
  • Though training in this zone provokes significant improvements in fitness, only small amounts of it are tolerable
  • Spend about 10% of the entire training session doing very high intensity (Zone 3) workouts, and the rest of the time doing low to moderate intensity (Zone 1 or Zone 2) workouts.
  • Train for at least 3–4 days a week if you are a trained individual

A lab testing to get the reading on various thresholds-lactate and Vo2 max-is the most accurate way to train more efficiently towards achieving your goals. However, as it is a tedious process, you can use the three-zone intensity model to get a reasonable understanding of the right intensity levels for you.

In case you use a fitness tracker such as FitBit, Apple, etc. you will be able to relate more to the training zones that flash on its screen after reading this post. What’s more, you will be able to tailor your training sessions in perfect alignment with your goals.

Why Is Cardiorespiratory Endurance Important?

The reasons are obvious-cardiorespiratory endurance helps you train more efficiently, run longer distances, do higher-intensity aerobic activities, and ultimately burn more calories. According to Joseph Minetto, cardiorespiratory fitness is the ultimate key for heart health and a great option to strengthen your aerobic energy system.

also show that people with higher cardiorespiratory endurance have a lower risk of developing hypertension as well as coronary heart diseases .

Additionally, cardio workout comes in different variations. Hence, you can try out a different variation every day, which will help you work on different muscle groups while allowing your body to rest.

Lastly, if your cardiorespiratory endurance is good, it means you are healthy and fit to actively participate in many activities. This will, in turn, help you run better, breathe easier, live healthier, and also burn more calories and lose weight, if that’s a part of your goals.

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Build Your Dream Home Gym With Joseph Minetto

Home Gym

The reality has finally set in. The entire world is on a lockdown, a pandemic has taken over, most places are closed. Reading clubs stick to kindles, so now you know the bookworms are no more in libraries. The music bands and school choirs have their own online concerts, so now you know the auditoriums are empty. The popular kids are busy ringing each other up so now you know you won’t face their bullying in the hallway. The jocks. though? Yes, the bulky rugby players, the flexible cheerleaders, they can’t possibly exercise virtually, can they? There’s absolutely nothing for them to do, or is it?

Well, according to Joseph Minetto, a fitness freak and gymming enthusiast, there is plenty. ‘And..’, he adds in, ‘there is absolutely no time to lose.’ ‘Fitness is a lifestyle and not a hobby. Keeping fit is a priority and not an aesthetic’, he says. We have long enough missed out on our fitness centered routines, staying back and doing absolutely nothing productive. Empty packets and boxes of snacks lie in a corner and soda cans roll out from behind the couch. And, our gym buddy, knows it full well.

So what can you do, in this time when every gymnasium is closed and sports fields have been abandoned? Joseph Minetto is here to find a solution and thus put a period to all your excuses.

 If you’re one of the privileged ones who have a spare room ready to be converted into a fantastic space or a garage that could be dedicated to your passion, you have the opportunity to go all out with big equipment like treadmills, rowing machines or even a multigym.  But even if not, Joseph can make it work even with a small empty space or bedroom as well.

Home Gym

Here is a list of equipment that could help you to build your dream home gym without going hard on your pocket, and glow up during this quarantine:

1. Medicine Ball

Generally used by trainers to get athletes back to their feet after injury, the medicine ball has now become popular for fitness and sports as well. These versatile balls range in weight from one to ten kilos, and are a great piece of kit for jump training exercises as well as core strength movements. When choosing a weight, pick a ball that’s heavy enough to slow the motion, slower than if you weren’t using any weight at all. Make sure it’s not so heavy that your control, accuracy, or range of motion (or the person next to you) takes a hit.

 2. Plyometrics Box

Plyometrics, also known as “jump training”, are boxes  that are used as a platform to jump on and off. It involves exercises where muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time. It is absolutely great for building speed and explosive power. It increases stamina and core strength. They can be used for squats, bench dips as well as non jumping exercises.

3. Pull Up Bar

The pull-up is the finest upper-body bodyweight exercise there is. Even though beginners may find it tough to start with, it’s perfect for building muscle in arms, back and shoulders. It strengthens the core as well. You can also do a number of basic gymnastic exercises on a pull up bar to enhance your workout. Plus they can be hooked over or fitted inside any doorway and then easily stored.

4. Dumbbells

The number exercises that can be done with dumbbells are endless. Not that but also, they’re cheap and usually adjustable so you can change the weight to suit you.  Usually, hex shaped dumbbells with black rubber coating last the longest and are comfortable to workout with. It’s a good idea to get a few different weights to accommodate the different exercises on your workout.

5. Kettlebell

A must-have piece of equipment for your home gym, the kettlebell is versatile, and gives amazing results. From squats to push-ups, a kettlebell workout can burn up to 20 calories per minute – about as much as running a 6-minute mile. It uses muscles in your body from head to toe, and it focuses a lot around your core and increases flexibility. A 2kg weight is perfect for beginners, and both men and women can use them as part of their workout routine. All that needs to be done is to choose a weight that works for you.

6. Skipping/Jumping Rope

If you haven’t used a skipping rope since your school days, then here’s a little surprise! There’s a reason boxers use skipping ropes in their training. It makes up a fantastic cardio and is great for coordination. Skipping can give you a full-body workout that uses your abs to stabilize the body, legs (calves, hamstrings, quadriceps) for jumping and upper body (forearms, deltoids) for turning the rope. They are low in cost and are a small piece of kit to store away. But they can have a big impact on your exercise routine.

Durable and lightweight ropes work best for beginners while weighted ropes are preferred for advanced level workouts.

And there you go, your dream home gym is done, all thanks to Joseph Minetto. Now that you are all set, make sure to not look back and work hard to achieve your fitness goals.

Joseph Minetto | Home Workout Routines To Stay Fit And Active During The Coronavirus Lockdown

Home Workout Routine

If you’re here reading this article right now, you too have been running out of ideas to keep yourself motivated to workout in this crucial time, right? We ain’t a psychic but we can guess that being at home all cooped up is taking a serious toll on your physical and mental health, everything has come to a halt from partying with friends to leading a life that was called normal a couple of months ago. You are not alone on this abyss. Though you have no access to gyms or parks, look around and be creative with your workout during this lockdown. And today we are going to tell you exactly the same, how you can blow the dust off your body (that was too much of an exaggeration) and get ready to start an active day in this ‘new normal’ during coronavirus lockdown.

As easy as it sounds, being active and staying fit in quarantine might demand more motivation and consistency compared to your normal days. You must be thinking why? Because when you’re stuck at the comfort of your home, the comfort starts getting way more absorbing than your willingness to be physically active.

We are going to list down a few home workout routines that will help you to be active, stay fit and stick to your fitness goals. You don’t want to come out of quarantine with unwanted gains, right? We certainly don’t!


Jumping Jacks x 20

It’s a great cardio exercise that stimulates your heart muscles while effectively on your shoulder, abdominal, glutes and quadriceps. Fact: You can burn 100 calories by doing 500 jumping jacks in a day!

Push-ups x 15

Push-ups help to build your upper body strength while engaging your abdominal muscles and lower back muscles. It also improves your body posture.

Burpees x 15

Burpees are a total win for a full-body workout, it pumps up your heart and stimulates movement of every muscle in your body. It also helps you to burn a lot of calories.

Squats x 20

Squats are popular as a leg toning workout but along with your butt and hamstrings, it also works on your abdominal muscles and lower back muscles.


Glute Bridge x 15

Sitting and working from home might make you feel like a sloth mentally and physically. This workout will work wonders for your hip stability and strengthens your lower back muscles. It also helps to strengthen your glutes, hamstring and abdominal muscles.

Jumping Squats x 15

Apart from burning excess calories and fats, jumping squats helps to strengthen your entire lower body along with your core and quadriceps.

Lunges x 15

Lunges are great for improving mobility and strengthening your lower body, core, spine, and quadriceps.

Pistol Squats x 10

Pistol squats are an advanced level of squats that puts intense tension on your core and lower body which helps to maintain mobility, balance, and flexibility. If these are too much for you, try doing 3–4 and you will get a hang of it till this chaos ends.

Home Workout Routines
Home Workout Routines


Push-ups x 10

The most popular exercise to build upper body strength while stimulating various muscles from the core to the back muscles, you must focus on doing this in proper posture.

Shoulder Taps x 20

Shoulder taps are really efficient if you’re aiming at defining your abs. It also helps to strengthen glutes, arms, shoulders, and core.

Decline Push-ups x 10

This exercise focuses on building pectoral muscles and upper chest muscles, along with targeting your triceps, core and deltoid muscles.

Triceps Dips x 20

A very simple yet effective exercise to active your tricep muscles — the triceps dips help to strengthen your shoulder and arms.


Crunches x 20

A very popular exercise for abdominal muscles crunches also helps to strengthen your obliques and lower back muscles.

Bicycle Crunches x 20

The bicycle crunch is a great exercise to strengthen your core muscles, activating obliques and burning loads of calories.

Boat Hold For 60 Seconds

This is the simplest looking exercise which is pretty deceiving. It works on various muscles and helps to strengthen your lower back, abdominal muscles and spine. It also stimulates your kidney and intestine.

Flutter kicks x 20

This exercise is great for abs sculpting, reducing fats, toning your lower body and improving the overall endurance of the body.

You can do 3 to 4 sets of the above mentioned sets as per your body capacity but we suggest you keep challenging your body by practicing it every day and increasing one more round. Do this workout at home this quarantine, you can record yourself while doing these workouts. Let’s aspire to inspire!

Originally published at

Joseph Minetto | How Virtual Reality is Transforming the Future of Work?

How Virtual Reality is Transforming the Future of Work

In 2019, more than 4.3 million people in the U.S. worked remotely. During 2020 that number increased significantly due to COVID-19. Most companies, because of the quarantine, had to implement working from home policies. But taking the pandemic aside, remote work was already growing at full speed. that many benefits come along when people have the flexibility to work from their homes or in the place they enjoy most. Here is how virtual reality is transforming the future of work.

How Virtual Reality is Transforming the Future of Work

Although there are many proud defenders of the remote work movement and all the wonders it has, there is still one main issue most virtual teams face. Remote companies, and overall distributed teams, often feel that the levels of connection are not the same as in an on-site office.

We are not in the 1900s where there was no internet, and traveling through an airplane was still a fantasy. Remote teams have the necessary tools to strengthen their company’s culture and collaboration levels. And as time passes by, these tools are upgrading to a whole new level. And we haven’t even mentioned the effects of COVID this year or what may happen this next year.

Technology is taking one step further to power and transform the future of work with Virtual Reality (VR). The way distributed teams connect and collaborate is changing forever.

An Overview of the Virtual Reality Industry

Many companies are making considerable investments in virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI). They say it’s the future of everything. Even though VR developments started in the early 90s, its market has received significant growth in the past years. The market size of consumer virtual reality hardware and software increased from 6.2 billion dollars during 2019, and it’s expected to be valued at more than 16 billion dollars by 2020.

The gaming and the entertainment industry are the ones who, at the moment, are taking more advantage of this technology. Companies like Samsung, Google, and PlayStation sell goggles, gloves, and other tools for consumers to purchase and take video gaming to a whole new level.

However, VR is increasing in the educational industry also. For instance, medical schools are starting to implement this type of technology to train surgeons. Artificial Intelligence is also used to help scientists understand complex problems and investigate deeper aspects.

Virtual Reality and Remote Work

Is the future of work part of the VR panorama?

Most of us who run remote companies and sometimes have a blast during meetings wish deeply to soon reunite in person with the whole company to share drinks! I love working remotely, but it’s a fact that the human connection is not the same in a digital environment. Yes, there are many communication tools, but the fundamentals of communication are different from in-person interaction. This is when the magic of virtual reality helps to deal with these kinds of challenges.

Think about it this way; most of the downsides and disadvantages of working remotely are related to how teams interact and connect. For example, several studies prove that many remote employees have felt isolated and even left out of the company. Other teams have had bad experiences working remotely because they felt their collaboration levels were not the same.

Virtual Reality offers such an immersive experience when managing a remote workforce. You and your team will feel you are in the same office space! But instead of commuting, drinking horrible coffee, and having to wake up earlier, you’ll be working from the comfort of your house. You’ll feel you are physically there with your team in the same meeting room while brainstorming ideas or solving a problem. Most of the “cons” you see in many anti-remote work articles will disappear once teams start applying VR as their primary remote work tool.

How Virtual Reality is Transforming the Future of Work

Here are some of the many applications VR will offer to companies:

1. Better interviews with remote candidates

Most of us have experienced how remote interviews are. In the first place, for those who are not accustomed to cameras, it might be even an uncomfortable experience. And for employers, virtual interviews are harder than regular ones because you miss out on important aspects such as body language. With VR interviews, you’ll feel you are doing a regular interview because there will be no camera barrier, just you and the candidate.

2. Better talent

Throughout these years managing a remote company and recruiting top tech talent to other companies, we’ve realized how much people want to have the opportunity to work from their homes. It’s one of the best strategies to recruit the best talent worldwide.

People are not longer seeking fancy offices with creative spaces. People want the flexibility of having a job that allows them to enjoy the things they love the most. Imagine adding remote work, plus virtual reality, to your showcase. You’ll attract even more talented employees who want to connect with their co-workers while working remotely.

3. Strengthen your company’s culture

This is probably one of the most significant benefits of implementing VR in your company. Culture means connection. When your employees enjoy working with each other, distance barriers are broken. However, it’s not the same (and it will never be) laughing on a video call than feeling you are physically there hanging out with them. With VR, you’ll be able to organize birthday parties, happy hours, gaming nights, and other fun activities to make stronger bonds.

4. Better onboarding

Onboarding is a crucial step in your company. If you don’t share your passion with new employees or explain to them carefully how the company works, with your vision, mission, and more about your company’s culture, they won’t feel attached. With no explanation, a team member won’t understand why their work will be valuable in the company.

Unattached employees are likely to leave the job faster because they don’t feel connected or passionate about what they are doing or the company they are working for.

With VR, the onboarding process is much easier. You can even walk them through a virtual office experience while explaining to them how everything works. You can introduce them to the team, and they will feel as if they were in the actual office building, meeting everyone.

5. Change the way you test technical abilities

Some job positions require specific technical skills that candidates must have. Testing tech talent, specifically technical skills, and doing it remotely is a challenge.

Although there are online platforms or even video calls where testing candidates is a possibility, VR takes video calls to a whole new level. For example, if you need a dev on your team — with VR, you’ll be able to see how your candidate solves a specific technical problem. Using only regular video calls — you cannot see well — and could miss some vital information.

Are you ready for the VR Reality Scenario?

We still have a long way to go until VR is as common as having a phone. Many companies are selling their VR products to a more narrow audience. Prestigious academic institutions are starting to see VR as a tool to help them achieve better research. Even the army has started using this to simulate battlefield situations.

Taking an audience and expanding its focus and view to the whole world’s workforce isn’t easy. It requires a lot of investment, and not all companies are in the position of spending millions of dollars to make the magic happen.

Still, with remote work taking over 2020 and technology improving as time passes, this could be the last year where people drive 2 hours to get to an office. When VR becomes common at companies, there will be no need to spend money renting fancy buildings and other significant expenses because everyone will work from their homes . Or a great amount of work will take place anywhere in the world that has reliable wifi.

Remote work is ready to embrace virtual reality. What about you?

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